Product Designer

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Job description

We are seeking a Product Designer with a passion for finding solutions that allow customers to intuitively use our client’s products. The ideal candidate will be skilled at each stage of the design process but always focused on the needs of the customer.
You will work with other designers and cross-functional team members and will rely heavily on both qualitative and quantitative data to make informed decisions.



By partnering with cross-functional teams and customers, you will turn your insights into delightful products in a creative environment that requires proven leadership skills and the ability to execute a creative vision.

More responsibilities in detail:

  • Set design requirements based on information from internal teams and user research.
  • Identify new product improvement opportunities.
  • Analyze how a new product satisfies market needs and consumer preferences.
  • Stay up to date on current industry trends and market conditions.
  • Coordinate with other design team members to ensure consistent and accurate communication.
  • Modify and revise existing designs to meet changing customer preferences.
  • Work closely with product engineers to suggest improvements for products and processes.
  • Present product design ideas to Client and Rocket’s cross-functional teams.
  • Create Design Systems, Wireframes, Prototypes and Mockups that fit to Client’s requirements.


  • Proven experience in all phases of the design process including user research, copywriting, wireframing, prototyping, visual design, interaction design, and usability testing
  • An intuitive eye for customer needs beyond the obvious
  • Excellent attention to detail
  • Ability to collaborate with cross-functional team members
  • Ability to collect and interpret both qualitative and quantitative feedback
  • A well-rounded portfolio of client work, demonstrating a strong understanding of client objectives
  • Ability to effectively communicate and persuade around design concepts in both English and Spanish
  • Passion for design; not satisfied with the status quo and always thinking of ways to improve
  • Creative problem-solving skills
  • Dynamic, creative personality, effective at engaging and influencing a variety of audiences
  • Provide assistance to product engineers when needed
  • Recommend new tools and technologies by staying abreast of the latest trends and techniques
  • Degree or Master related with UX/UI or Product Design
  • Strong knowledge of Figma, and other design tools (Sketch, Adobe, Photoshop, Illustrator…).

Madrid, Barcelona or San Francisco

Sent your CV to [email protected]


Front End Junior Developer

By JobsNo Comments

Job description

Do you enjoy identifying potential products to satisfy your customer’s needs? Do you love to follow up the developing process with the rest of the teams until you get your products ready? Do you like conducting market research looking for growth opportunities for your company? Do you love working within the digital startup’s ecosystem? Great! We are offering a unique opportunity to do all this and more at Circulum.

Here at Circulum we are looking for people who want to develop their career in one of the fastest growing sectors in the world. So, we need people with experience in frontend development who are looking for new technological challenges. The selected candidates will begin to form part of a multidisciplinary team.

As a Junior Frontend Developer at Ciculum, you will take part in:

  • Participation in team dynamics and the search for continuous improvements.
  • Creation of services and REST apis.
  • Carrying out automatic tests by unit as well as integrated of the developed components.
  • Collaborative team work with Agile models (Scrum).
  • Ensure the technical feasibility of UI/UX designs.
  • Optimize application for maximum speed and scalability.


We’re definitely looking for you, if you have:

  • Proficient understanding of web markup, including HTML5, CSS3.
  • Basic understanding of server-side CSS pre-processing platforms, such as LESS and SASS
  • Proficient understanding of client-side scripting and JavaScript frameworks, including jQuery, Angular, and Vue.
  • Proficient understanding of code versioning tools, such as GIT and Bitbucket.
  • Good understanding of SEO principles and ensuring that applications will adhere to them.
  • Experience and understanding of content management systems (CMS).
  • Proficient understanding of web analytics and testing tools and implementation (tracking, AB testing).
  • Experience with responsive web and mobile-first designs.
  • Knowledge of PHP, Python or other programming languages.
  • Experience with front end frameworks such as React, Angular or Vue.

DevOps SysAdmin

By JobsNo Comments

Job description

We are seeking a Product Designer with a passion for finding solutions that allow customers to intuitively use our client’s products. The ideal candidate will be skilled at each stage of the design process but always focused on the needs of the customer.
You will work with other designers and cross-functional team members and will rely heavily on both qualitative and quantitative data to make informed decisions.



By partnering with cross-functional teams and customers, you will turn your insights into automated systems that requires proven leadership skills and the ability to execute a cutting edge knowledge.

More responsibilities in detail:

  • Set infrastructure requirements based on information from internal teams and costumers needs.
  • Identify new automatisation and improvement opportunities.
  • Analyze how systems satisfies market needs and consumer preferences.
  • Stay up to date on current industry trends and market conditions.
  • Coordinate with other infrastructure team members to ensure consistent and accurate communication.
  • Modify and revise existing architecture to meet changing customer preferences.
  • Work closely with costumers, consulters and  engineers to suggest improvements for products and processes.
  • Create a framework


  • You have a minimum of 5 years of experience as a SysAdmin/DevOps.
  • You are eager to learn and enjoy working with your teammates!
  • We are looking for someone who’s proactive, and has the capacity to adapt to new challenges with a positive attitude.
  • You know and are familiar with at least 3 of the key words in each group:
    • G1: Linux Administration: iperf, dnf, tmpfs, nc, egrep, atop, bashrc, tc, screen, cephfs, dig, sync
    • G2: Security and Monitorization: XSS, iptables, WAF, honeypot, falco, 403, graylog, auditd, sysdig, prometheus, tshark, lsof
    • G3: Cloud and Containers: VPC, GCP, rkt, IAM, launch group, StackDriver, CPUCreditUsage, Cold Path, kubeadm, lambda, zappa, docker-compose
    • G4: Automatizations and Architecture: SaltStack, pillar, fabric, awx, reactors, jenkins, CI, RestFull, Terraform, Haetoas, vault
    • G5: Service Management: uWSGI, fpm, nginx, redis-cli, mytop, upstream, pagespeed, monit, systemctl, salt-call, openvpn, postfix
  • You have ample experience with Unix/Linux operating systems (we only have 1 virtualized Windows equipment).
  •  You are familiar with version control systems. Git friends!
  • You can bring a lot of things to the table: DevOps, design patterns, pastries..

Madrid. Barcelona or San Francisco

Send your CV to [email protected]

E-commerce Specialist

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We are looking for a proactive and determined person to join Circulun E-commerce team as a Specialist. You will be the subject matter expert of E-Commerce in the company and will help our clients understand their digital business using data, products categorisation, digital investment and more. You will work with different platforms and tools to find areas for improvement in our clients’ digital assets and will make proposals to increase their performance.


As a E-commerce Specialist  you will:

  • Serve as the subject matter expert in E-commerce at Circulum.
  • Work to design the digital measurement solutions according to business requirements from clients.
  • Find insights and turn them into actionable ideas in order to improve the performance of our clients’ digital assets.
  • Generate data-driven hypotheses, to be tested in A/B and/or multivariate experiments.
  • Work closely with other colleagues, as well as with specialists in areas such as UI, UX, creative, development, SEO or Payment methods.
  • Overview the implementation, configuration and validation of tag management and analytics tools.
  • Identify business opportunities and prepare ad hoc proposals to potential clients.
  • Provide training, both internally and to clients.

We’re definitely looking for you if you have:

  • Bachelor’s degree in Business, Marketing, Statistics or Engineering.
  • Experience of minimum 3 years in E-commerce and Marketing projects, preferably from an consultancy perspective. Having developed project management tasks in the past is a strong plus.
  • Strong knowledge of Digital Analytics tools (Google Analytics, Hotjar, CrazyEgg, Adobe Analytics, Matomo, Mixpanel, Google Tag Manager…).
  • Strong knowledge of Excel and comfortability working with large datasets.
  • Strong knowledge of testing and personalization tools (Optimize, Optimizely, VWO…).
  • Knowledge of reporting tools (Data Studio, Tableau, PowerBI…).
  • Project management skills, proactivity and autonomy.
  • Fluently spoken and written English. Second language is a plus, especially if it’s Italian.
  • Strong knowledge of the main e-commerce platforms ( Magento, Woocomerce, Prestashop…)

It would be nice if you had knowledge of:

  • Marketing tools (Google Ads, Facebook Business Manager, Campaign Manager).
  • Experience with channel attribution tools.
  • Practical knowledge of programming and/or database querying languages (JavaScript, R, HTML, CSS, SQL…).




By AgileNo Comments
Os preguntareis porque nos cuestionamos Agile, la respuesta debería de ser sencilla puesto que nos cuestionamos prácticamente todo para poder ofrecer ese 1% de mejora en todos los proyectos que llevamos a cabo con nuestros clientes o en nuestra vida personal, porque no es un lema para una camiseta sino que es la filosófia con la que hemos decidido vivir.
Ahora después de explicaros el como, di como hemos llegado a esta conclusión nos centraremos en el porque. Pues el porque es simplemente porque gracias a nuestras experiencias profesionales en cientos de proyectos, las empresas por las que hemos pasado cada uno de el equipo todos hemos llegado a la misma conclusión.
Lo importante no es la metodología que uses Agile, Waterfall, Lean, Product design, BPM por nombrar alguna de ellas. Lo importante es como las personas que integran la compañía, los procesos, las dinámicas interpersonales que se crean sin que nos demos cuenta, las relaciones con los clientes, y proveedores y por concluir y creo que es mas importante porque integra a todos los anteriores LA CULTURA funciona en la compañía. Nuestra experiencia nos ha llevado a ver como las empresas que adaptan las metodologías a su cultura son las que mas éxito han tenido y han conseguido todas sus metas. Y lo que no hay que hacer bajo ningún caso es adaptar LA CULTURA a las metodologías.
Agile tiene que ser una filosofía que nos permita trabajar de la forma mas eficiente y dejarnos tiempo para lo que de verdad es más importante. No tiene que ser una barrera mas de burocracia y fricción con las personas que son el verdadero valor de las compañías junto con sus productos o servicios.
En CIRCULUM nos gustaría acompañarte a adaptar las metodologías a tu compañia para que reduzcas todas estas fricciones y de verdad seas más Agil y productivo.  Ya sea adaptando o inventando una metodología para tu compañía.

Good Strategy is sometimes unexpected

By EstrategíaNo Comments
La primera ventaja de una buena estrategia reside en el hecho que tus competidores carecen de alguna.

«Even a poor plan is better than no plan at all» – Mijaíl Ivánovich Chigorin –

Esta frase fue acuñada por un importante ajedrecista ruso. Entre los años 1883 & 1898 fue uno de los cinco mejores jugadores del mundo. Es considerado como el fundador de la escuela imperial rusa.
El ajedrez, como el mundo empresarial, puede ser jugado sin estrategia alguna. Viéndolas venir. Improvisando.
Nosotros preferimos prepararnos de antemano. Buscamos imponer tu estrategia, en vez de adaptarte a la de tus contrincantes.
Una buena estrategia tiene coherencia, acciones coordinadas, políticas y recursos definidos para alcanzar un fin. Muchas organizaciones disponen de múltiples objetivos que simbolizan progreso. Pero no tienen un enfoque coherente que las coordine. Habitualmente, todo se resume en “gasta más y inténtalo con más empeño”.


Después del lanzamiento de Microsoft’s Windows 95 en 1995, Apple cayó en un espiral de malos resultados. Estuvo en varios momentos cercana a la bancarrota. Su CEO Gil Amelio sufrió por mantener Apple viva, ante un mundo rápidamente dominado por Windows – Intel PC. Redujo costes de personal. Reorganizó los productos de la compañía en 4 líneas de negocio. Buscó simplificar sus operaciones. Pero todos sus esfuerzos estratégicos resultaron en vano. En Septiembre de 1997, Apple se encontraba con liquidez en caja para aguantar sólo dos meses.
Apple decidió reincorporar a su cofundador – Steve Jobs – para liderar la compañía en un momento muy delicado. En solo un año, la situación cambió radicalmente. A pesar que muchos expertos del sector vaticinaban una gran revolución con Jobs al mando. Se esperaba un gran desarrollo de nuevos productos y tecnología adyacente. Pero Steve tomó la dirección contraria. Redujo las líneas de producto a una sola. Adaptó su portfolio a la realidad competitiva de Apple: Ser un productor de nicho en el mercado ultra competitivo de los ordenadores para consumo.
Con este cambio estratégico,  Jobs alineó la realidad de Apple con sus necesidades. Redujo el coste en desarrollo. Simplifico la cadena de producción. Redujo el inventario en un 80%. Creó una página web para vender directamente al consumidor. Desplazó a distribuidores y retailers de la cadena de valor. Todas estas acciones coordinadas, permitieron mantener el negocio a flote varios meses más de los vaticinados.
La estrategia implementada por Jobs parece obvia si echamos la vista atrás, pero no debemos olvidar que no correspondía con lo esperado. Ni por los expertos del sector. Ni tampoco por sus predecesores.
Sus acciones responden claramente a lo que debe incluir una buena estrategia. Atacar un problema fundamental con una serie de acciones concretas y coordinadas entre ellas.
Superada la crisis del 97, Apple seguía sin aumentar su cuota de mercado (estancado en un 4%). Cuestionado por la prensa acerca de cuál sería la estrategia de Apple para seguir compitiendo, Jobs se limitó a responder: «Vamos a esperar a la siguiente gran cosa». Steve no anunció nuevos productos o un nuevo % de mercado que alcanzar. Sino que se enfocó en estudiar las barreras de entrada del sector y sus palancas de éxito.
El resultado es ya conocido, dos años más tarde lanzó el iPod y la música online. Después de esto, volvió a revolucionar el sector con el lanzamiento de iPhone.

Fórmula del éxito

La estrategia de Jobs «Esperar a la siguiente gran cosa», no es una fórmula general del éxito. Pero muestra un sabio acercamiento de cómo una estrategia debe estar coordinada con la situación empresarial, el sector y sus competidores.
Como haríamos cualquiera de nosotros ante una gran tormenta, Jobs decidió resguardarse y agrupar filas. Preparándose para estar listo cuando volviera a salir el sol.

¿Estás preparando tu negocio para la próxima disrupción?



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